Guizhou Cultural photography



  • Using photography, captured Miao Culture evolution in Guizhou Province over the past 4 years, and showcased its diversity along five catagories: people, customs, conventions, festivals, and architecture.

  • Created a photo album and sold over 100 copies to promote Miao cultural awareness, due to the observation of how some cultural traditions are facing. Proceeds were donated to schools in Guizhou.

  • Held Miao Culture culture/art exhibitions for charity; collected $5000+ in donations from 100+ visitors and sold over 100 self-designed camera accessories and photography prints inspired by Miao cultural traditions.

Visiting and documenting minority groups in rural China with photography. Shy to take photo so of strangers and approach for asking consent for photo.
Many of the locations weren't easily accessible or previously documented
I persuaded myself that nothing I'm doing is wrong, and I am willing to accept any result when I approach people and also be confident.
I did extensive planing and reached out for help with communication and made sure I did my best to visit the locations that are best for photography.
I gathered countless photos of the traditions and cultures over the past 4 years. Built deep connections, documented events, everyday life and much more.

Before I got into photography, I have always been impressed by the powerful photos that great photographer have taken of people, especially when the subject represents a unique culture or background. Naturally, after I discovered my interest in photography, I looked into how I could produce work inspired by these photographs that impressed me so much. Lucky for me, China is extremely diverse in terms of minority culture, so it was easy for me to visit and take photos.

After some research, I decided that Guizhou province would probably be the most suitable because its minority groups had very distinctive cultural uniforms and traditions that I believe would make it great to be photographed by me. Furthermore, I also wanted the chance to photograph the most natural, most pure form of traditions being practiced and clothing being worn. Therefore, I decided that (I won't be going to the famous tourist locations, but exploring the tiny hidden villages that have been there for hundreds of years but having been reached by tourists or roads.

One of the most important parts is probably planning. I got in touch with a local guide and did a lot of research online myself. This allowed me to formulate a plan for where to go, and what locations to visit, which is helpful because many of the cultures and traditions were hidden in rural villages and would be impossible to find without knowing where to go before hand. I ended up visiting Guizhou province, working on enough on this project over six times and I would do the same for planning every time I visited no matter the purpose the lens or the exact location of the trip.

The gathering process was fun and challenging at the same time. It is fun because I am doing something I am passionate about and I was able to go to many places and talk to many people. However, the challenging part was that, to ensure everyone photographed is respected, I will ask for their consent before taking or using the photo. Therefore, this required me to approach strangers, and because they are minority groups, some of them don't speak or understand mandarin. Although I am not really an introvert, it was still a challenging process and required a lot of courage. This helped me develop myself in terms of communication, and, specifically, having the courage to approach and meet new people.

It was unimaginably satisfying looking at the photos I took over the years in Guizhou and seeing how my way of capturing those moments has changed as my photography journey processed. I learned to appreciate what I had and what I have done, but at the same time reflect on what I could do differently in the future. This reflection process made me feel like I am learning or developing something new all the time and also ensures that my progression is as efficient as possible.

Overall, this project helped me in developing my skills for planning, communication and reflection. This is very helpful to me because these skills that I learned through pursuing my passion can also be applied in other fields, helping me develop as a whole.